Here are some links and mission
statements to organizations that can assist you in your goal of living
in and learning about the area. (External links will open in a new
Neighborhood Housing Services
NHS of Baltimore creates and sustains homeownership opportunities
through customized lending and consumer education in the Baltimore
Region. Since 1974, NHS of Baltimore has been dedicated to the
revitalization of Baltimore neighborhoods through homeownership
opportunities. Within those years, programs and products have changed
to best fill the needs of the communities, and NHS of Baltimore has
been able to remain a source of support for Baltimore households.
Eastside Community
The Eastside Community Development Corporation is a HUD certified
non-profit housing counseling agency committed to the availability of
affordable housing in Eastern Baltimore County. We recognize the
importance of preserving and promoting the viability and stability of
older neighborhoods through homeownership.
HARBEL Community Organization
The purpose of HARBEL is to unite organizations and groups in order to
provide a vehicle in which to define and solve problems common to the
community of NorthEast Baltimore.
Live Baltimore
Live Baltimore is the most comprehensive organization focused on
Baltimore City Living. We exist for one reason - to market the City of
Baltimore as a great place to live. Our goal is to grow the City's
population. To facilitate that, we provide a lot of education and
marketing outreach to the public so they'll know the facts about city
living. We search for those with the "urban gene" and invite them to be
a part of our City!
Maryland.gov Portal
Maryland.gov is the gateway to public services within and around the
State of Maryland. Whether you are a citizen, business or visitor,
Maryland.gov provides fast and efficient access to a variety of
information and services. Once you’ve visited Maryland through the
Portal, you will understand why we think Maryland is the best place in
America to live, work and play.
Base Realignment and Closure
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) is the process by which the
Department of Defense restructures military installations to more
efficiently and effectively support the nation’s military forces,
increase operational readiness and facilitate new ways of doing
Maryland Department of
Housing and
Community Development
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is proud
to be at the forefront in implementing housing policy that promotes and
preserves homeownership and creating innovative community development
initiatives to meet the challenges of a growing Maryland.
U.S. Department of Housing
HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities
and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the
housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the
need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform
for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable
communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does
Housing Assistance Council
The mission of the Housing Assistance Council is to improve housing
conditions for the rural poor, with an emphasis on the poorest of the
poor in the most rural places. HAC emphasizes local solutions,
empowerment of the poor, reduced dependence, and self-help strategies.
There are outstanding environmental programs, activities, initiatives,
ideas, and grassroots efforts across the country but it can be
difficult to sort through all of the websites and information
available. The OurEarth.org website began as a simple idea to make it
easier for the public to find environmental information.
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